Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Looking Like a Good Day to Paint

Whoa!!  When we got up this morning it was cool without a breath of wind... I was excited to get to the work yard and see what might happen.  I knew that they would not start right away because of the cold but by 9:00 a.m. it was time get moving.  The timing was perfect.

Starting the first coat.

First coat on a perfect day.

When I got to the yard the crew was just mixing the paint and cleaning the surface to be painted one last time.  It was time to paint!!!

The tone of the color is matching.

All this means that we are moving toward a launch date!!  The bottom paint typically goes on in one to three days and we can splash almost immediately!

This is a pretty good indication that we are getting close as well... the barrier coat is on the rudder.

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